
This is the documentation for the mergersecondfuns module, which consists of the post-matching parts of the procedure for simulating the merger/ringdown portions of gravitational waves from binary black holes, collected into modular functions.



Calculation of the orbital phase for the merger/ringdown portion, based on Buskirk et al. (2019) equation 21.


min_switch_ind: int

The index in the merger/ringdown data where the switch from inspiral to merger/ringdown should occur, from min_switch_ind_finder() in matchingfuns.

final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

i_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase at each timestep for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_phase_freq_integration() in inspiralfuns.

m_omega: list of floats

Values of angular frequency over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_freq_calculation() in mergerfirstfuns.


m_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase over time for the merger/ringdown portion.



Stitching together the inspiral and merger/ringdown portions of the phase lists to give a combined list with the correct matching.


final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

i_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase at each timestep for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_phase_freq_integration() in inspiralfuns.

m_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_phase_calculation().


i_m_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase over time for the entire duration of the gravitational waveform.



Calculating the amplitude of strain for the merger/ringdown portion, based on Buskirk et al. (2019) equation 16.


min_switch_ind: int

The index in the merger/ringdown data where the switch from inspiral to merger/ringdown should occur, from min_switch_ind_finder() in matchingfuns.

final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

alpha: float

A gIRS coefficient, from gIRS_coefficients() in mergerfirstfuns.

i_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_strain_amplitude() in inspiralfuns.

m_omega: list of floats

Values of angular frequency over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_freq_calculation() in mergerfirstfuns.

fhat: list of floats

Values of a sort of frequency parameter called fhat (f^) over time, from merger_freq_calculation() in mergerfirstfuns.

fhatdot: list of floats

Values of the time-derivative of fhat over time, from fhat_differentiation() in mergerfirstfuns.


m_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the merger/ringdown portion.



Stitching together the inspiral and merger/ringdown portions of the amplitude lists to give a combined list with the correct matching.


final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

i_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_strain_amplitude() in inspiralfuns.

m_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_strain_amplitude().


i_m_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the entire duration of the gravitational waveform.



Calculating the values of the two polarisations of strain for the merger.


final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

m_amp: list of floats

The values of the amplitude of the GW strain over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_strain_amplitude().

m_phase: list of floats

Values of orbital phase over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_phase_calculation().

i_Aorth: list of floats

The values of the orthogonal/plus polarisation of strain over time for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_strain_polarisations() in inspiralfuns.


[m_Aorth,m_Adiag]: list of lists of floats

The first list is the values of the orthogonal/plus polarisation of strain over time, the second list is the diagonal/cross polarisation.



Stitching together the inspiral and merger/ringdown portions of the polarisation lists to give combined lists with the correct matching.


final_i_index: int

The last index in the inspiral data before the switch to the merger/ ringdown, from final_i_index_finder() in matchingfuns.

i_Aorth: list of floats

The values of the orthogonal/plus polarisation of strain over time for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_strain_polarisations() in inspiralfuns.

i_Adiag: list of floats

The values of the diagonal/cross polarisation of strain over time for the inspiral portion, from inspiral_strain_polarisations() in inspiralfuns.

m_Aorth: list of floats

The values of the orthogonal/plus polarisation of strain over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_polarisations().

m_Adiag: list of floats

The values of the diagonal/cross polarisation of strain over time for the merger/ringdown portion, from merger_polarisations().


[i_m_Aorth,i_m_Adiag]: list of lists of floats

The first list is the combined orthogonal/plus polarisation values, the second list is the combined diagonal/cross polarisation values.